The first thing that comes to mind when it is about relationships between "West Malaysia" and "East Malaysia" is that there's none in reality. Other than going through the motion of "government", there isn't really anything else going on. When you can get Sarawakians and Sabahans to give you anything other than a "courteous" answer you will find out they are hardly fans of anything "West Malaysian", basically, they loath "the Peninsular". No wan can or should blame them.
Sarawakians and Sabahans find "West Malaysians" arrogant, unbearable, tedious, and full of themselves. In other words: full of the brown stuff. "West Malaysians" like to think of themselves as more "civilised" while actually being more backward in manners, charm, and sophistication.
When the monkeys from "West Malaysia" (WM) come to "East Malaysia" (EM) to find out if the natives "live on trees", discover they don't so that the monkeys from WM cannot feel superior. Better than that, EMsians, with the rare exceptions of those corrupted by the vulgar monkeys of WM, are not much tainted by racist and religious bigotry that are found as the only things alive and thriving in WM.
The Chinese, Malays, and all the others get along mighty fine with each other and even with dogs. When I used to go over to hunt (oinks), the hunting dogs are mostly supplied by the Malays (who ferried them around as rear passengers on their motorbikes). It's not unusual for Malays to have dogs, an imam friend keeps dogs, a Chinese friend who lives in a Malay kampong is often thanked for his dogs being the guardians of the kampong, keep robbers away.
I know EMsians would take issue with the article which is the presumption that, the author uncles and aunt, I suspect, are outsiders who's appointed themselves to teach EMsians what to do. Since, presumably, the poor EMsians have yet to learn how to think. I would suggest their esteemed teachers take their wisdom and just fcuk off. It is rather condescending even to tell EMsians they are better endowed to teach WMsians how even to run "Malaysia".
EMsians have never been enthusiastic about the neo-colonial creation, given half the chance, they'd sooner cut their losses and fcuk off from "Malaysia". If any WMsian has close friends in EMsia, they would intimate to him they would prefer not to be honoured with being any part of "Malaysia". During their marches for their alternative independence day and their Sarawak for Sarawakians demos you'd find huge numbers of folks who want out. And that includes many of Sarawak's Malays, who are not exactly fond of their WMsian "big brothers". Btw, I doubt any genetic tests would show the EMsian Malays have much genetic similarity with the WMsian Malays, it is worth a good look into.
Since the general idea is to be out of the picture altogether, it might be a better idea to perhaps encourage EMsians not to be any more in the privileged position to become more and more like WMsians, just leave WMsia and let the "big brothers" rot in their racist and religious bigotry, and their gross inability to be effectual in anything.
East malaysia can lead in political transformation by having a bigger population.
At the moment, east malaysian represent only 16% of the population but are overrepresented in the parliament of up to 25%. This is not enough.
West malaysian represents 84% of the population and are represented by 75% of the voice in parliament.
Major ethnic group are malays of about 70%, chinese 22% and the rest 8%.
Since most vote via racial lines, east malaysians need to increase their race to a higher portion, only then can they lead in political transformation.
The first thing that comes to mind when it is about relationships between "West Malaysia" and "East Malaysia" is that there's none in reality. Other than going through the motion of "government", there isn't really anything else going on. When you can get Sarawakians and Sabahans to give you anything other than a "courteous" answer you will find out they are hardly fans of anything "West Malaysian", basically, they loath "the Peninsular". No wan can or should blame them.
Sarawakians and Sabahans find "West Malaysians" arrogant, unbearable, tedious, and full of themselves. In other words: full of the brown stuff. "West Malaysians" like to think of themselves as more "civilised" while actually being more backward in manners, charm, and sophistication.
When the monkeys from "West Malaysia" (WM) come to "East Malaysia" (EM) to find out if the natives "live on trees", discover they don't so that the monkeys from WM cannot feel superior. Better than that, EMsians, with the rare exceptions of those corrupted by the vulgar monkeys of WM, are not much tainted by racist and religious bigotry that are found as the only things alive and thriving in WM.
The Chinese, Malays, and all the others get along mighty fine with each other and even with dogs. When I used to go over to hunt (oinks), the hunting dogs are mostly supplied by the Malays (who ferried them around as rear passengers on their motorbikes). It's not unusual for Malays to have dogs, an imam friend keeps dogs, a Chinese friend who lives in a Malay kampong is often thanked for his dogs being the guardians of the kampong, keep robbers away.
I know EMsians would take issue with the article which is the presumption that, the author uncles and aunt, I suspect, are outsiders who's appointed themselves to teach EMsians what to do. Since, presumably, the poor EMsians have yet to learn how to think. I would suggest their esteemed teachers take their wisdom and just fcuk off. It is rather condescending even to tell EMsians they are better endowed to teach WMsians how even to run "Malaysia".
EMsians have never been enthusiastic about the neo-colonial creation, given half the chance, they'd sooner cut their losses and fcuk off from "Malaysia". If any WMsian has close friends in EMsia, they would intimate to him they would prefer not to be honoured with being any part of "Malaysia". During their marches for their alternative independence day and their Sarawak for Sarawakians demos you'd find huge numbers of folks who want out. And that includes many of Sarawak's Malays, who are not exactly fond of their WMsian "big brothers". Btw, I doubt any genetic tests would show the EMsian Malays have much genetic similarity with the WMsian Malays, it is worth a good look into.
Since the general idea is to be out of the picture altogether, it might be a better idea to perhaps encourage EMsians not to be any more in the privileged position to become more and more like WMsians, just leave WMsia and let the "big brothers" rot in their racist and religious bigotry, and their gross inability to be effectual in anything.
East malaysia can lead in political transformation by having a bigger population.
At the moment, east malaysian represent only 16% of the population but are overrepresented in the parliament of up to 25%. This is not enough.
West malaysian represents 84% of the population and are represented by 75% of the voice in parliament.
Major ethnic group are malays of about 70%, chinese 22% and the rest 8%.
Since most vote via racial lines, east malaysians need to increase their race to a higher portion, only then can they lead in political transformation.