The story could have been presented in its 'bare metal' form free of the serpentine and shy approach by saying that Anwar's government had fallen prey to another Malaysian Chinese scam to defraud Malays of their entitlements and their land through a backdoor purchase using government's powers to resume their land by paying them at a gross under value.

Then yuu could have gone ahead and identified the numerous other such land grabs by Chinese (typicially identifying them by the names of their companies and directors) demanding a royal commission of inquiry in the broadest possible terms, exposing the fraud and fraudsters behind it which used the government's powers to achieve a private benefit where the purposes could only have been for a public purpose. And even if that were not the case, DS Anwar should not have allowed his government to proceed by approving the purpose and the sale.

A note of caution to th people behind it. May 13th and its lessons is closely associated with Kampung Bahru in KL and the removal and destruction of the Charatcer of the place as a Malay enclave in the heart of KL could very well trigger the fall of government and its cronies like this particular Chinese outfit.

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I thot that the Land Acquisition Act can only be used if the land will b utilized for public purposes only?

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Totally an abuse of power

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