Good. Now for the cane and deteention under a new ISA. A more stringent and draconian one at that. Who gave the media, especially the social media types, a mandate to run the country or interfere and disrupt government (apart from Regime Change and the NED)?

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Chicken Korma, good to see you've become a revert under MacMullah of MacDani - but still a little fascist wannabe.

Thing about little fascists is they are always the little nobody in life who desperately wants to be somebody. The longer they are deprived of the chance to play jackboots, the bigger "hard man" they become.

Judging by the way you've tried offering your butt to various "big boy" politicians and not getting shafted, you've now reverted to running in front of Ketuananwar and bending over!

That reminds one of that funny chicken curry dirt-digger plantation niggah arse-licker of Ah Jib who used to appear everywhere there's a camera and threatened to beat up any and everyone who didn't worship Ah Jib.

Wonder what's happened to him, for all his slavish plantation niggah devotion he never got a "datuk" for his embarrassing plantation niggah drama...

Ketuananwar would be an even worse choice to offer yer butt, he struts around noticing no one but he, himself, and he again..!

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We've got Weatsheaf here in a blue zooper car. Lochinver.

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Bit cryptic that, Jimmy, care to translate into Manglish sans the accent?

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