Let us know how much of the money comes from duit haram. Then separate it from duit halal and spend duit haram on the non Muslims. For Muslims their financial support must come from zakat collections only. This is to make sure there is no moral contamination from touching money which has some lard on it. Jakim, mosques and Ulamas must make their stand clear. Absolutely no contamination by lard. If the Malays can agree to this, well and good. Otherwise they deserve to be called hypocrites.

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Higher taxes on all fronts except for those items that are exported abroad. A further lowering of the Malaysian Ringgit will attract more foreign investment and discourage imports, especially luxury goods. The wealthy classes like the professionals and the non Malays who conceal their wealth in tax avoidance schemes will have to be penalized heavily and their properties confiscated. Hint hint. Mr. Ching Chong.

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The Malay elite, with the likes of Toon Dyin' and family, all hide their loot in offshore schemes and away from the country they rob.

Going after the non-Malays is suicidal, too often it's they who's advised and set up the dumbfcuk mafia from that self-proclaimed "chosen race" in various tax avoidance, offshore, and money laundering schemes.

In other words, these nons, grabbed our witless "desert bandits" by their little black testicles, control the kill switch.

We don't need Chicken Korma here to impress his plantation niggah self about going after those he thinks he can lord it over. If that can just about happen, a gigantic bunch of the nons would be in prison with the economy completely fcuked up.

Think about that class act of gross stupidity, Ah Jib ended up singing Jail House Arrest Rock and politically finished forever - while Fat Jho is free as a lark or albatross wondering where next to spend our money.

And with nobody from the "chosen wans" with the wan shrivelled testicle to dare to extradict him back here. Fat Jho is waiting to die from a stroke while enjoying life to the fullest, thanks near entirely to Ah Jib and the "chosen wan" elite, Alhamdullilah!

Most nons can survive beautifully in Bolehland and that's because their petron saints are all the desert bandits from the "Malay elite", wtf!

Try rock the sampan, Chicken Korma, and those whose rear entrance your midget head is stuck in will flay yer plantation niggah arse!

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