Black rock is part and parcel of Regime Change, the Soros Foundation, the Open Societies and OTPOR. There are many more in that pack and they include the Bush and Cheney families, the Clintons and the a group of oil giants. Their membership clearly shows how fictituous and fraudulent the multi party system in the West is.

Black Rock is a capitalist behemoth of such proportions that it dwarfs some of the "seven sisters" (the seven largest oil corporations in the world). Black Rock owns many of them having swallowed their governments and replacing them with "Democratic governments". (another name for undemocratic despots)- e.g. Libya, Iraq and Qatar.

They first fund riots, massive propaganda villifying legitimate governments by claiming they are all corrupted, undemocratic and that the aspirations of the citizens of the target country are being oppressed, subjected to 'racism' and religious oppression. The feeble minded intellectually vacant (Malaysia's "educated" elite) fell for it.

When the target government weakens through defections and growing unrest, by the rioting and propaganda. Regime Change deify a single entity, political party or indivudual (Anwar,Mohammad Yunus) and create a hero out of him.

They white ant the courts by bribing heavily the legal fraternity, churches and other religious groups (Like "Muslims for democracy") and buy celebrities to further avance their causes. They create awards like "the woman of courage" and "best investigative journalist" two of the many previously unheard of and uncredentialed awards given to those compromised individuals they have recruited locally for the purpose.

Sounds familiar? Well well. Lets look at Malaysia as an example. Ambiga and Tommy Thomas deified as "brilliant lawyers" and "constitutional experts". 2 under performers who could not even read from a script on topics they are supposed to be experts in.

Eliabeth Wong and Teresa KoK, Waytha Murthi and Mariah China Abdullah, the latter, a woman who falsely claimed to have married a member of Yaser Arafat' force 17. Really? There was the entire board of the Malaysian Bar. Late High Cout justice NH Chan, Vohra, Sri Ram Gopal, Tunku Maimun Tuan Mat and even two former Agong of Malaysia.

The goings on by Bersih and the legal fraternity gave credence to the investing public that Malaysia was corrupted to the core.

When such sentiment permeats the investing public aided by suspect organizations like Transparency Internationl (a German, French, Australian and Australian government initiate with the gall to call themselvs an NGO), the ringgit falls and the Western edited tools of sovereign and investment, the ratings agencies engineer a fall in the credit ratings and their currency in the target to unacceptable levels.

Creditors from International Banks and the multi lateral lenders feign nervousness and call in their loans or force their clients to re negotiated their debts and restructure the ownership of their public assets from electricity, energe companies an transport hubs..

This is where Black Rock comes in. It posses as a white knight and buys the sovereign debt of countries like Malaysia during this period and in the process take over its infrastructure assets for a song. It owns the country through this process by deliberately then keeping the local currency artificially low.

It is the reason India and China are at the receiving end of the Regime Change propaganda of corruption and racism. It is an attempt both giant nations have thus far successfully resisted.

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It seems I read something about BlackRock managing the international airport, as well. It causes concern.

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