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Why can't that state (Penang) that worshipped Lee Kuan Yew and seeks to emulate the PAP of Singapore even to the point of wearning their left over 'hand me downs' Chinese school senior middle 3 uniforms take a leaf out of LKY's book over traffic congestion and impose punitive license fees on private motor cars?

Once the leisure vehicles like those unnecessary private cars capable of seating 5 people but driving around with a solitary driver is taken off the road, the utility of the Light rail and public transport becomes and obvious. No need for green ventures or climate change fear mongering and complaining of traffic congestion.

Public transport needs supervsion and is there for a particular purpose. The country and its Chinese government need to put their money where their collective mouths are.

The problem of traffic congestion is two fold. Too many moto vehicles on the road and the absence of order enforcement on the roads. The Chinese in particular, universally (except in China where a stick and bullet awaits them if they don't comply ) are notorious for selfish and bad driving.

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