Mimos stands to make rm 400 or so for every person signed up. They don't tell you that they could potentially make billions just for signing up Malaysians. But they also don't tell you they would use the iris orb scanner eventually, and your data stays forever in the worldcoin blockchain and cannot be deleted. There is no way they won't try to force Malaysians to sign up again because billions (that are not theirs in the first place) are at stake before the company could go public and any corporations probably can buy/invest in them. They're literally selling Malaysian biometric data in exchange for crypto currency.

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Everytime one lands in the USA or in Germany or other Western nation their biometric data is already harvested from them when they look into a camera thats used to scan their eyes and their entire facials. The technology has been widely in use sine 9/11.

This is another attack on Malays by an idiot claiming to be an academic paid to destabilize Malaysia. The whole Regime Change menace is coming apart at the seams as is the pretence of the author of this online rag.

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The Global Economic Forum invited some of our influential people to be a member. Our Madani government think that by being a member of GEF we are poised to become an economic powerhouse. The GEF famous quote " You will be happy because you own nothing" means you will be happy being a begger. " You will be happy because you don't have any privacy" So they say. To those who are now a member just remember that you are nothing more then useful idiots. Once they don't need you they flush you down the toilet.

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politicians come and go, while they are in power they sell anything including citizens personal data for money. Isn't this corruption most foul!

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