Most straightforward way to get out of jail for Ah Jib's is to go to the power that be and say:

"I beg your pardon"

If that doesn't work fully, it should get his remaining years in prison further halved from six to three.

Bolehlanders always do things by halves so there's definitely hope for Ah Jib yet. He might be out as the old dictator Mamakthir gets in.

What's more, with his Muthumok, Muthuzani, Muthukriz, Muthuwhat and Marina Bay joining him at the slammer, the Kerala Krait can even form a Bollywood pop Qawwali combo band to keep fellow inmates and Toon "Wan Eye Jerk" Dying depressed.

Ah Jib's had better make a run for it.

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Probably an article to gauge whether there's enough Bolehlanders who want Ah Jib's sprung from prison. Seems the climate isn't right and Youtoosan backed off.

Ah Jib's should be pardoned, there's no reason why he should be without the entitlement due all our criminal politicians. Even Mamakthir understood the routine, he applied to have his worst friend Anwar pardoned.

Ah Jib's kangaroo trial left plenty to be desired, many many important questions have been left unanswered. The trial ought to be reopened. Until then, Ah Jib has to be freed.

Bolehland should have pardon fests at least a couple of times a year. During the fests all should go round and pardon wan and all. Giving the pardon, forgiving all left right and center are healthy activities all should take part in, Amin.

If you are Christian, you should also make yourself look ridiculous and hypocritical by saying "hate the sin, love the sinner". So go on then, Ah Nib is there for you to love!

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